Thursday, April 2, 2009


"I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd take your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that
boy was an assassin, too..." 

wow, he's so incredible. and single! haha now's my chance. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

just another week of midterms

its been hectic! midterms for the past 2 weeks. luckily i get some time in between to breathe, unlike finals week when it all comes piling on top of you. 

im in a weird place right now with spring break. ive been looking forward to it since the semester started, but now, realizing i wont be able to see justin for more than 7 days kinda freaks me out. 10 days or something. that will be the longest i have gone without seeing him. even though we are broken up it kinda hasnt hit me yet. I mean, it has, but it hasnt. its hard to explain. my original plans were to spend tuesday, wednesday, and thursday in vegas and a prebirthday celebration. since we've broken up, my plans have been ... altered. Instead im going to be going to san diego to visit my closest friend lisa, and spending time with old girlfriends that i havent been able to see for a long time, and visiting with my cousin lauren- who is engaged! 

so this week im back home, home from house sitting with amanda. it feels like a never left, but thats what home is i guess? being around my family is comforting, and they encourage me to get over everything im going through. easier said than done.  my mom has always been one to encourage me by saying that i cant rely on anyone, and i have to be independent. she is the reason why i will sign a prenup. she probably wont let me get married if i dont! 

i havent been able to sleep at all lately. i find myself just laying in bed for hours and before you know it my alarm is going off. I wish my mind would stop pacing back and forth and let me rest. im exhausted.