Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hypothetical Christmas List/ New Years Resolution

This is my hypothetical christmas list/new years resolution for 2010.

1. A bigger closet
2. My own bathroom
3. Someone to clean out my closet
4. To score an amazing job that pays well and allows me to travel
5. A nice pair of Christian Louboutin's
6. No more split ends
7. 20% (or more) tips
8. Will power to go on a diet (to shed 10 pounds)
9. HEALTH and HAPPINESS for the people I care about and love

To be continued....

waiter rant

A friend of mine recommended a great blog to me, written by a server. The blog is called, Waiter Rant. I found this amazing post that he did, and I am reposting it because it is absolute genius.

The Rules (to be amended at will!)
April 26th, 2004 by Waiter

Since most dining patrons are social misfits I have decided to publish some guidelines to make your dining experience run smoothly.

1 Reserve early. You want to eat out on Saturday night? Well if the place is any good it will be mobbed so plan ahead. Book a table by Tuesday. Saturday night is rife with countless self-centered yuppies that stand open mouthed at the hostess stand when they are told the place is booked. Don’t be like those people. Make the call.

2. Turn off your cell phone. Unless you are a doctor on standby waiting for a donor organ to arrive, turn your phone off. (Such a doctor would be eating in the hospital cafeteria anyway!)

3. Sit where you are seated. It’s nothing personal. There are only so many primo tables and unless you are a heavy spender or tipper your chances of getting a good table is nil.

4. Order off the menu. If I went to your house would I tell you how to cook the food? I don’t think so. Substitutions are a pain in the ass and are really for those people with MEDICAL problems. Allergic to pesto, it’s gone. Vegetarian? Order a salad.

5. Say please and thank you. I can’t tell you how many times people forget this simple courtesy. You want your kids to turn into well-mannered adults? Set an example. If you don’t and your kids turn into little brats, well you know why.

6. Tip the coat check person. Yes you! A quarter is not a tip. It’s a dollar a coat. Too much? Eat at Burger King.

7. Tip the server at least 15%! Preferably 20%! The server has got to eat too. Tip pretax if you want but you have to tip on the booze! You probably will forget you stiffed the server ten minutes after you leave. He/She, I assure you, won’t forget you.

8. Give the server the whole order. Don’t order appetizers and say you will order entrees later. He/She will probably mess it up and ruin the rhythm in the kitchen. Your food will come out late and cold. Make a decision!

9. Don’t stay forever. The server and establishment are here to make a living. Real estate is valuable. When you dawdle you are taking money out of people’s pockets. The rule is the bigger the bill and the tip the longer you stay! Caesar salad and water split for two? You got twenty minutes.

10. Never touch the wait staff. This is a rule strip club patrons abide by why can’t you? You grab my arm and ask for water you are going to be dining al fresco on your ass real quick.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

a quick look back

Happy Halloween!

So I just came across my old Xanga blog. Man did I write some funny stuff!!! I also wrote a ton!! Half of the stuff I wrote, I don't even remember, shows how significant (or insignificant) my blog was. Oh well, it is always fun to reflect back on the past and see how much I've grown up.

A co-worker tonight asked me if I've recent become more religious lately. When I asked him why, he said its because the choices I make now with much more consideration for my future and the effect it will have on other people. I simply just told him that I've always had a relationship with God, but the real reason for my decisions is because I am growing up now, and its time to start seriously considering my future. For example, this whole thing with Prop 19 (legalizing Marijuana). I've been so back and forth with this prop. I can't decide if it would do more good or more bad? From a business standpoint, I think it would do good things if the government could place a tax on selling it, regulate it and hopefully get us out from our budget deficit. Personally though, would I want my children to have such easy access to that? No. (This is a very basic example of the thoughts I've been having regarding this prop.)

I'm looking forward to the work week because my crazy boss will be out of the office from Tuesday-Friday. One thing I like is the fact that I will be able to come in early, meaning I will be able to go home earlier. I really hope I can find a better job sooner rather than later. Lord knows I've been trying. I don't know if I can take much more of her "abuse".

I watched Pride and Prejudice today. It really made me realize that CHIVALRY is almost dead, but for the most part it has just changed with the times. I really adore the love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. I hope that over the course of my lifetime, I will have a great love story to tell of my own. I have to say though, I'm headed in the right direction. As corny as this sounds, every heart break has lead me to where I'm supposed to be, and I will be thankful for that at the end of the day.

My youngest sister is turning 16 on Friday and my family and I are celebrating with dinner at Geisha House. It makes me feel so old. What a bittersweet moment for me to see my baby sister grow into a beautiful little woman. I hope that I've been a good role model for her and that she doesnt get herself into too much trouble.

Well thats all I've got to say about that... goodnight