Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011, nice to meet you!

Well, another year has gone by.  That was FAST! The majority of 2010 was absolutely great. I learned so much about myself and about others this past year.  I have started to notice myself giving people the benefit of the doubt lately.  In the past, I would always assume the worst in people (which I think is a common thing to do).  Whether it be at work, in my personal relationships with people, etc... I always thought the worst.  In 2010, I learned that people are naturally good-hearted, kind, and caring.  (However, there are always a few outliers)  I am so thankful for this positive thinking, I think it will benefit me tremendously in the future.  I'm hoping that in 2011 I will continue to grow as a person!  And of course for health and happiness for my family, & friends.

Happy (Belated??) New Year to all of you out there!  Hope the year is just as fabulous as you are!


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